Date & time: 2023-10-02 12:45:16 (UTC)
Local time at epicenter: Monday, Oct 2, 2023 at 6:15 pm (GMT +5:30)
Latitude/ Longitude: 25.959°N 90.615°E
Epicenter: Matia Circle, Assam, India
Magnitude: 5.4
Depth: 10.0 km
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Nearby towns/cities
- 24.2 km (15.1 mi) S of Goālpāra, Assam, India
- 31.9 km (19.8 mi) ESE of Lakhipur, Assam, India
- 38.8 km (24.1 mi) SSE of Chāpar, Assam, India
- 41 km (25.5 mi) S of Abhayāpuri, Assam, India
- 106.5 km (66.1 mi) SSE of Sarpang, Sarpang District, Bhutan
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